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Sentry Post™ Door Activation and Safety

Sentry Post
Sentry Post

Priced as low as $771 each for Rapid Return on Investment (ROI) 

Available as stand alone 40" bollard or clamp onto existing bollard 12" versions with one (1) OR (2) safety photoeyes. Photo eyes inside the bollard are adjustable so that the detection field can be more precise. The photo eyes used can also be adjusted to detect from 1′ to 10′ away. The eyes “see” through a narrow slot at the top of the bollard, +/- 36″ above the floor. Optional flashing yellow light on top cover activates when detection occurs and has an adjustable timer relay.


Sample Loading Dock Configuration Using the Optional BeLock™ Controller

Sentry Post

Sample Traffic Safety Configuration

Sentry Post


Watch our DOOR DYNAMICS in USPS TV Commercial!

PDD Best of Business Winner

Professional Door Dealer

1st Place Winner Most Innovative Products
3rd Place Winner Best Dock Equipment
4th Place Winner Best Website
3rd Place Winner Best Safety Products

Plant Engineering Product of the Year Winner

Eight Times a Winner!

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

We're All Innovating Contest Winner for our AIR FORCE Door Openers

Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin Winner

AIR FORCE® Automatic Door Openers Win WMC's The Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin Event

A satisfied Customer is the Best Business Strategy of all
"They charge me about 50% more than your price for any sensor! For what? Betty is sending you an order for seven units." -- Russ
"Your price is half of what we were quoted from those guys in Milwaukee! Please send two BEA Falcon HM units via UPS RED." -- Tim
"The door company charged me almost $900 for one BEA Wizard!" -- Sherwood
"Very prompt e-mail follow up about my order and better than I expected shipping. Also the prices are very good." -- Jim
"Ken Nachreiner is very professional when I called about the sensor I was looking for. When I called again to check on shipping status, he was on top of it. He called me back once it was shipped. I am very happy with the professional service he has provided me, and the fast shipping. Definitely a 10 star service. Best company and best sales representative." -- Irene
"Thanks again. Great customer service." -- David

AAADM Inspection

Automatic door systems should be checked annually by an inspector who has been certified by the American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers. Through that annual inspection, the door system can be checked for compliance with the latest industry standards. Also, automatic door systems should be given a daily safety check by premises owners. The American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers provides details on how to conduct a daily safety check. Premises owners can use this guide to train or retrain employees to perform the daily safety checks properly. That helps assure safe operation of automatic doors. Additionally, all new sensors on pedestrian openings should also be properly adjusted by an AAADM certified inspector. If you are not a reseller or AAADM Certified, please contact us and we can provide you a list of local AAADM certified inspectors who can accurately make these adjustments to your new sensor(s). When properly installed, inspected annually by AAADM certified inspectors and safety-checked daily by premise owners, automatic doors consistently provide safe, convenient access for everyone.

Some of our Many Repeat Customers

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  • Swedish Match
  • Suisan
  • Aviagen
  • Oshkosh
  • Clorox
  • Kingsford
  • PCC Airfoils