Hubbell Killark Explosion Proof Push Button Controls

Hubbell Killark Seal-XMTM factory sealed push button stations are used to prevent the igniting of external hazardous atmospheres by the enclosed arcing devices in explosion proof areas due to the presence of flammable gases or vapors, combustible dusts or easily ignitable fibers or flyings. Applications include petroleum refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants and other processing or storage facilities where similar hazards exist. Factory sealed universal contact blocks so external sealing fittings typically not required reducing installation time and cost. Also, no seal plate between the electrical device and back box allows direct wiring to contact terminals. Hazardous Rating: Class I, Division 1&2, Groups B,C,D Class I, Zone 1&2, Groups IIB, IIA. Dead-End or Feed-Thru versions available. (FXCS-1B1-M, FXCS-4B1-M, FXCS-2B1-M, FXCS-5B1-M, FXCS-1B4-M, FXCS-4B4-M, FXCS-2B4-M, FXCS-5B4-M) Please note variable lead times up to four (4) weeks on these.
Single Push Button Retail Price - $847 DoorSensors.com Price - $693
Double Push Button Retail Price - $998 DoorSensors.com Price - $791