Safety Sentry™ Warning Signal Alarm

- Significantly Improves Loading Dock Safety
- Alerts anyone nearby of a vehicle backing into the Loading Dock Position
- Patent Pending 105db Siren and Strobe Light System with proven Industrial Motion Sensing Technology
- NHTSA found 73 Percent of backup accidents would have been prevented if the pedestrian could have heard a warning signal
- OSHA reports that semi-tractor trailers are the second leading cause of back over fatalities in the United States
- Also Ideal To Alert Employees In Facility Of Delivery Arrival By Using E-Iswl Option
- Value Priced As Low As $251 Per Dock Position - Installs In Minutes
- Avoid Injury or Death and the Predictable Lawsuit!
Install Safety Sentry BEFORE the Accident
Numerous injuries and deaths occur each year in the loading dock during vehicle backing. OSHA reports that 1 in 4 industrial accidents occur in shipping and receiving areas, and for every reported accident there are 600 near misses. One local OSHA Area Director states “This office has investigated one similar incident per year over the past several years, and it's about time these types of fatalities stop. Worker death from this cause can happen to companies large or small, and we all need to work on prevention.” The United States government does not mandate any backup signal alarm on most motor vehicles including semi-tractor trailer. OSHA indicates that backing trailer rigs are the second leading cause of back-over accidents in the country and in fact there have been forty (40) fatal accidents involving backing trailer rigs in the past six (6) years! Due to the 70-foot-plus distance between the dock position and the truck’s engine, as well as other distractions in the loading dock yard, this back-over hazard can go undetected by workers until it’s too late for them to avoid being struck.

The Safety Sentry™ is an innovative concept utilizing a 105dB siren and strobe light combination system in synch with proven industrial motion sensing technology. The highly durable patent pending design is rated NEMA 4 and constructed with UV resistant polycarbonate using liquid tight strain relief connections. Preset and very easy to install.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that 73 percent of backup accidents would have been prevented if the pedestrian could have heard a warning signal from a backup alarm (NHTSA 2-5). Don’t let the vehicles lack of a backup alarm cause injury or death in your loading dock, with the inevitable resulting lawsuit. At a cost as low as $251 per dock position, Safety Sentry™ Warning Signal Alarm will save lives!
How are you protecting your people, product, and profits?
Determine Cost Here:
How many dock positions do you have?
Use that figure with configuration chart to determine cost.
For example, a dock with 12 positions could
use six (6) E-2000 (best audio clarity) or three (3) E-4000.

- E-RASS 18” x 12” Reflective aluminum custom yellow safety sign “CAUTION! Watch for backing vehicles!” $144 each
- E-PW6C 6’ 115V plug in cord pre-wired to Safety Sentry™ unit. $71 each
- E-HDEB Heavy duty extension bracket for sensor mounting where larger dock seal or shelter may obstruct sensor field at standard 16’ height. $175 each
- E-ISWL Additional inside building pre-wired strobe light to alert dock workers when truck is approaching dock and at which position for loading/unloading (can only be used with model E-2000 when installed for individual dock positions). $119 each
- E-2000AS This model replaces the standard strobe/siren for an amber LED strobe light. Perfect for forktruck driver safety alert within facility $788 each

- Alert Employees in Facility of Delivery Arrival
- Utilize Where Trucks Back into the Facility
- Forktruck Driver Alert if Approaching Other Vehicle or Pedestrian in Facility
- Alert to Personnel if Doors About to Open in Facility
You might think the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and/or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulate all vehicle safety equipment. Yet the reality is that the only federal standard governing installation of back-up alarms and other safety equipment for trucks is contained in the Occupational and Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Code of Federal Regulations at 29 CFR 1926.601(b)(4) and in 29 CFR 1926.602(a)(9)(i). These requirements are only applicable to motor vehicles operating within an off-highway job site that is not open to public traffic.
According to 29 CFR 1926.601(a) regulations, a vehicle with an obstructed view to the rear must have a "reverse signal alarm audible above the surrounding noise level," or the vehicle can only be backed up when an observer signals it is safe to back up.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that 73 percent of backup accidents would have been prevented if the pedestrian could have heard a warning signal from a backup alarm (NHTSA 2-5). OSHA indicates if a device "provides adequate warning to workers in the path of the vehicle, and to workers walking towards the path of the vehicle in time to avoid contact,” it would comply with OSHA regulations.
* OSHA and DOL materials created by the federal government and listed online are considered public domain and may be used, reproduced and distributed without permission. However please do not consider the public domain information detailed here to constitute or imply an affiliation or endorsement of the Safety Sentry™ by OSHA, DOL or any other government or non-government related agency
A few of our hundreds of satisfied customers:
Safety Sentry™ works in synch with the proven technology of the BEA Falcon Industrial Microwave Sensor!